Youth Climate Action Now!

The next generation of Canadians will be greatly affected by climate change in their lifetimes. It is important for them to understand the science and solutions behind this global challenge.

YouCAN will educate and engage thousands of educators and youth across Atlantic Canada so they will better understand the challenge we face.

What is YouCAN?

What is YouCAN?

The Youth Climate Action Now (YouCAN) project is a new, collaborative initiative between four Atlantic Canadian education organizations which will engage youth and educators across four provinces with the goals of improving climate awareness and understanding of personal mitigation efforts, supporting educators across disciplines to educate on climate science and empowering youth to take action in their own lives and communities.


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Be part of the solution to climate change in your community

Looking to learn more about how you can help with climate issues in your area? Visit our partner pages to see the programs and resources that are available to your communities.

In the News

YouCAN partners, educators and youth are making an impact in their communities. Stay up to date on the latest climate education initiatives across Atlantic Canada.