Exploration des ressources
Sur cette page, vous trouverez un certain nombre de ressources externes qui se rapportent à divers aspects du changement climatique. Ces ressources peuvent aider les éducateurs et les jeunes à mieux comprendre les problèmes environnementaux auxquels nous sommes confrontés et la façon de prendre des mesures pour les résoudre.

Ressources de recherche
Ce tableau énumère les ressources couvrant tout, des gaz à effet de serre aux énergies de remplacement. Vous pouvez effectuer une recherche par catégorie, balise ou mot clé ainsi que le tri par titre.
Website Resources
Title | Summary | Categories | Link | doc_categories_hfilter | doc_tags_hfilter |
Natural Curiosity | Focused on inquiry-based learning and Indigenous perspectives, this organization, based at the University of Toronto, offers a variety of professional learning opportunities and created a book of the same name that is a guide for educators | Educators, Greenhouse, Indigenous | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse indigenous | indigenous inquiry-based |
Thrive Outside | All children and youth should have the opportunity to play and learn in forests, parks, meadows and mud puddles. We work to connect children and youth with nature through policy, research, and practice | Educators, Food | LAUNCH | educators food | camping children educators outdoors resource |
A Matter of Degrees | Understanding climate change and how to solve it | Educators | LAUNCH | educators | climate-change denial justice podcast |
Mothers of Invention | Focused on women who are fighting climate change around the world | Educators | LAUNCH | educators | climate-change empower feminist podcast women |
How to Save a Planet | Upbeat hosts make learning about climate change solutions both informative and entertaining | Educators, Energy, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators energy greenhouse | climate-change energy inspire podcast |
What on Earth | Relevant and current, covering climate change topics that are important right now | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | climate-change future podcast |
What Does the Earth Look Like After We Solve Climate Change | Imagining what a positive climate future could look like | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | climate-change fossil-fuels future podcast technology |
Is Your Carbon Footprint BS | … | Educators, Food, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators food greenhouse | action carbon climate-change footprint podcast |
10 Tips for Talking with Kids about Climate Change | Supporting kids who are having distress about climate change | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | climate-change distress kids podcast support |
How to Talk to Kids About Climate Change | Clear, concise and practical tips for talking to kids about climate change | Educators, Energy | LAUNCH | educators energy | climate-change kids podcast tips |
Wabanki Collection | The Wabanaki Collection connects postsecondary educators, grade school teachers, and the general public with a variety of resources that support enhanced relationships between all the peoples of Eastern Canada | Educators, Indigenous | LAUNCH | educators indigenous | culture history indigenous |
Nasa Climate Kids | Climate focused interactive games and activities | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | activities climate-change kids |
Climate Kids | … | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | activities climate-change kids |
Nature Newfoundland & Labrador | Promotes the enjoyment and conservation of wildlife and natural resources in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador | Educators | LAUNCH | educators | activities not-for-profit wildlife |
TED Countdown | Countdown is a global initiative, powered by TED and Future Stewards, to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | climate-change innovation teachers |
Project Drawdown | A nonprofit organization that seeks to help the world reach “drawdown”—the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline | Energy, Water | LAUNCH | energy water | climate-change not-for-profit policy |
Climate Science | Climate Science aims to make learning engaging, accessible and reliable | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | activities climate-change courses |
EECOM | The Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication | Educators | LAUNCH | educators | education environment literacy sustainability |
EcoSchools Canada | EcoSchools Canada works to nurture environmental leaders, reduce the ecological impact of schools, and build sustainable school communities. | Educators, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | educators greenhouse | certification environment leadership sustainability |
Solar Schools Canada (ssc-esc.ca) | We create smart, local climate solutions by collaborating with schools and education-oriented non-profits to develop, fund, and deliver renewable energy projects and related educational programs. | Energy, Greenhouse | LAUNCH | energy greenhouse | climate leadership not-for-profit renewable-energy solutions |
Ocean School | Our mission is to provide learners, the next generation of ocean citizens, with the knowledge and tools to understand our influence on the ocean and the ocean’s influence on us | Educators, Water | LAUNCH | educators water | discovery education ocean storytelling |
Education Corner – Mi’kmaw Conservation Group | To Promote and Restore the concept of Netukulimk in the Bay of Fundy Watershed | Educators, Indigenous, Water | LAUNCH | educators indigenous water | indigineous mikmaq ocean watershed |
Learning for a Sustainable Future | LSF is a non-profit Canadian organization that was created to integrate sustainability education into Canada’s education system. | Educators | LAUNCH | educators | education educators not-for-profit sustainability youth |
Divert NS | Divert NS is a not-for-profit corporation championing recycling in Nova Scotia. | Energy, Greenhouse, Waste | LAUNCH | energy greenhouse waste | environment not-for-profit recycling stewardship |
Clean Ocean Learning Coalition | The Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC) is an alliance of organizations, networks, institutions, communities, and individuals working together to better understand and advance ocean literacy in Canada. | Greenhouse, Water | LAUNCH | greenhouse water | climate literacy ocean weather |
Green Learning | GreenLearning creates free education programs about energy, climate change and green economy that engage and empower students to create positive change for our evolving world. | Educators, Energy | LAUNCH | educators energy | climate-change community education energy green-economy |
Downloadable Resources
Title | Categories | Update Date | Download |